The average house price on LOWER BOND STREET is £185,392
The most expensive house in the street is 48 LOWER BOND STREET with an estimated value of £306,191
The cheapest house in the street is 14 LOWER BOND STREET with an estimated value of £116,568
The house which was most recently sold was 52 LOWER BOND STREET, this sold on 16 Oct 2020 for £123,000
The postcode for LOWER BOND STREET is LE10 1QU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
13 LOWER BOND STREET Terraced £194,328 £51,000 22 May 2000
14 LOWER BOND STREET Terraced £116,568 £67,000 11 May 2011
48 LOWER BOND STREET Detached £306,191 £80,000 20 Apr 2000
50 LOWER BOND STREET Terraced , 72 m2 £149,527 £120,000 31 Aug 2018
52 LOWER BOND STREET Terraced , 73 m2 £145,357 £123,000 16 Oct 2020
54 LOWER BOND STREET Terraced , 65 m2 £150,826 £80,000 18 Feb 2005
60 LOWER BOND STREET £234,950 £185,000 3 Nov 2017